Monday, May 25, 2020

Work Hard, Party Harder Alcoholism and College Campuses...

College! A great place to build a foundation for the future. A great place for independence, responsibility and maturity. Sure that’s all part of the whole college experience, but what really lurks on campus during the late nights? What happens on Fridays and Saturdays? Are students in their dorms anxiously for Monday to come? Well, all types and ranges of activities come about; from a good game of tennis at the tennis court, to lighting up that mary-jane at the parking lot. I know this may sound harsh, but how many college students you know spend their weekends in a library reading books, or thinking about what would be discussed in next weeks class? Work hard, party harder is a typical college students mentality (most of them is the†¦show more content†¦Alcohol was one of the first sedative drugs used. Doctors are unsure of why people become alcoholics. There is no link between the type of person to become an alcoholic and not. Alcoholism can affect people of all ra ce and religious backgrounds. The idea that a person who is an alcoholic has bad character and poor morals is no longer widely held. Through the efforts of the National Council of Alcoholism, the Medical Associations and other organizations, alcoholism is now generally recognized as a disease. An alcoholic is defined as a person who is ill and that needs help and treatment. People drink alcohol only for the effect it has on the way they feel. The social drinker may get a feeling of relaxation and freedom from tension. The alcoholics however, show a great change in personality, they may become angry or argumentative, or quiet and depressed. Often a small amount of alcohol causes a person with alcoholism to feel even more anxious, sad, tense, and confused. They seek relief by drinking more. This is how alcoholics get caught up in a web of ever increasing need for dependency on alcohol. Many medical problems affect alcoholics. Serious damage to the liver, heart, stomach, and other org ans can result from the overuse of alcohol. Many alcoholics also do not eat properly, and some of their ills are caused by poor nutrition as well as the direct affects of the body. The most tragic damage alcohol can give is damageShow MoreRelateddrugs and alcohol on college students1105 Words   |  5 PagesBrews Drugs and alcohol, do they have a significant impact on the lives of college students or just the ones that fall short to the influence? There is a major problem with students using and abusing these substances, not only does it have negative effects on the user, but on the user s friends and family as well. A lot of drugs and alcohol become easily available to college students over the course of their college years. What can be done to help prevent students from abusing drugs and alcoholRead MoreYouth Drinking in America Essay2683 Words   |  11 Pagesalcohol abuse is no longer just another little problem. 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