Monday, May 18, 2020

The Historical Narrative Of The Years And Events Surrounding

The historical narrative of the years and events surrounding the American Revolution has increasingly become simplified. What was once characterized in the 19th century as a complex historiography of betrayal and loyalty, friends and enemies, and a non-violent civil war within a revolution, evolved into a 21st century brief summation of a few key people, taxes, and battles. John Adams accurately forewarned his trusted confidante and fellow patriot, Dr. Benjamin Rush, in 1790 when he wrote that the history of the American Revolution â€Å"will be one continued lye [sic] from one end to the other.† In his prediction, Adams assumed people would only remember that â€Å"Dr. Franklin’s electric rod smote the earth and out sprang George Washington. Then†¦show more content†¦Countless men and women who shaped early American political thought, who fought and gave their lives on the battlefield, and who were influential in the formation of the constitution and the dawn of American governance, have faded into oblivion when we teach new generations about the founding of America. The centered focus on Franklin, Washington, and Jefferson, and the unfortunate exclusion of other patriots who shaped America is a discredit to the way history should be taught. While every important patriot cannot be studied by every American, history can open its eyes to the plethora of men who did play unique and consequential roles in securing independence from Great Britain. This broadening of early American history and enlarged focus on other important people is the central theme of this book. The nature of forgotten historical figures has always been a fascination of mine. How some notable individuals drift off into historical oblivion, while others (who arguably contributed less) become celebrated, will always be a mystery. This injustice is nowhere more prominent than when discussing the Revolutionary War. This part of history encompass some of the most significant events, people, and ideas that shaped the country we live in. To my surprise, this period also seems to be the most simplified and exclusionary, almost in order to fit the limited space allotted in textbooks. ThisShow MoreRelatedJewish People and Collective Memory: The Early Years of Zionist Settlement in Palestine1637 Words   |  7 Pagesidentity is one of the social identities that has had the most impact on historical events, with both positive and negative consequences, as for example the great romantic-national movement of the nineteenth century (Salazar 1998: 114). This movement affected the identity of the Jewish people in emphasizing their lack of nationhood. 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