Thursday, October 17, 2019

Succeed essay Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Succeed essay - Term Paper Example The basic assumption of the current report is that although extracurricular activities are blamed by some for a decrease in academic performance, they are actually a vital part of education that help students to succeed, giving students better skills at time management, and fewer opportunities to get into trouble during the time in which school is closed for academics. adjustment skills and possibly pathological problems later in life. These activities can be considered to be extracurricular activities, because they show (although part-time jobs are not always enjoyable) â€Å"the value of safe, structured, and enjoyable opportunities†¦ unstructured afternoons, weekends, and early evenings are particularly risky times for youth† (Kahne et. al, 2001). Extracurricular activities are primarily thought of in terms of social interest, diversity, sociability, and the formation of an appropriate and successful resume or application. Generally, extracurricular activities can be divided by broad parameters of athletic and artistic activities, with various sub-categorical definitions. Scholars point out that â€Å"large-scale quantitative and qualitative studies find evidence that extracurricular activities foster educational attainment, identity development, and social integration into adult society† (Anderson et. al, 2001). Without extracurricular activities, students face increased risks. The lack of positive patterns of rule enforcement in schools can, in extreme cases, lead students to form horrifyingly negative structural patterns of behavior that are then taken back into the institution in terrifying ways. Socialization currents tend to flow backwards in unstructured and unsupervised time for adolescents who do not have more positive ways in which to occupy their time, or the social guidance that seems to be so crucial in terms of deterring or redirecting negative energy. â€Å"An increasing

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