Thursday, October 3, 2019

Sonnet 93 by E. Barrett Browning Essay Example for Free

Sonnet 93 by E. Barrett Browning Essay Throughout the first eight lines of the sonnet the language is simple and personal. There is little elaboration and imagery which shows her true love and shows that the sonnet wasnt written to impress the public. This differs from the other two sonnets as they were conventionally written to amuse the reader and in order to do this they included complex language and imagery. The line beginning the final section of the sonnet shows that she loves Robert Browning with the depth, trust and emotion a child feels for their parents; I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhoods faith. Following this the next line supports a popular belief of the Victorians which was when you are born you are born pure and innocent. As you grow up you gather sin and impurity, and become further away from God. E. Barrett Browning says that Robert has taken away her sin and bought her closer to God once more just like when she was a young child; I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, She also expresses that she loves her husband with every emotion she goes through in her life; -I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! The last line in the sonnets suggests her love is eternal and she will love Robert even in the afterlife; -and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. E. Barrett Browning doesnt use a Volta in her sonnet as she wants to show her love is continuous and eternal which is a contrast from the other two poems. All three sonnets appear to be about love but all show different meanings. Shakespeares sonnet seems to be about a true physical attraction to a lady and how her beauty is eternal when in fact he is really saying the beauty of his words are eternal. On the other hand Draytons sonnet appears to be about a dying woman when in fact its about a fading love desperate for love to be breathed into it. Finally E. Barrett Brownings sonnet is totally sincere and includes no reversal of meaning. The sonnets also have different forms and language. Shakespeare and Drayton both write a Shakespearian sonnet with complicated and elaborate language whereas E. Barrett Browning uses a Petrarchan form with simple language. Another resemblance is that E. Barrett Browning and Shakespeare consider love relates to time. The most obvious contrast is that Drayton and Shakespeare both use a Volta whereas E. Barrett Browning doesnt. Although I liked the clever, witty changes of meaning in the sonnets by Shakespeare and Drayton my favored sonnet would have to be Sonnet 93 by E. Barrett Browning. I liked it because of the sincerity of her love to her husband. I think when reading and understanding the sonnet the reader is emotionally touched by the strong feelings such simple words can put across.

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