Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay on Company Q’s Attitude Toward Social Responsibility

Company Q’s Attitude Toward Social Responsibility Company Q’s current attitude toward social responsibility demonstrates a bias toward the outdated shareholder model, rather than the stakeholder interaction model of corporate governance, as well as a significant lack of concern for the fundamental wellbeing of some of its primary stakeholders. Arguably, however, even the shareholders themselves may ultimately be frustrated in realizing the maximum potential return on their investment in this company due to lost opportunities as a result of Company Q’s poor corporate citizenship and failures to achieve social responsibility. By closing two stores which happen to be in higher-crime-rate areas of the city and justifying these closures†¦show more content†¦Even in the event that no competitor fills the void left by Company Q - simply stating the result in terms of corporate citizenship and without respect to strategic planning - Company Q has potentially contributed to the further economic destabilization of these areas by removing grocery services from communities that need them. This causes further community erosion when those who depend upon such services decide to move out of the affected area, and those who cannot leave end up living in an even more impoverished community than it was before. Company Q also shows a lack of concern for the consumer and the community upon whom they depend for their business by delaying for several years to provide a sufficient variety of healthy alternative and organic products. This is despite many years of requests by customers for such products. Moreover, the decision by Company Q management to ignore requests from the area food bank for donation of day-old products and to throw away valuable resources instead because of concerns about the potential for fraud demonstrates a breakdown in connecting good corporate social responsibility and common sense. Having neglected to identify the obvious philanthropic opportunity that presents itself in offering goods up for charity which canShow MoreRelatedSocial Responsibility And Its Impact On Society1444 Words   |  6 Pageschains, and Company Q is no different. Locally owned and operated businesses are an essential part of today’s society. Too often companies stress the quantity of pr ofits over the quality of products. Not only do these kinds of choices belay negative social responsibility, this type of attitude can damage a growing business’s reputation. 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