Saturday, August 31, 2019

Importance on Being on Time Essay

The Importance of Being On-Time The principal reason for this essay is since I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the right place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the appropriate time. Though there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there’s nonetheless no excuse for me to miss a formation. I desire to be a great soldier and I desire to excel inside military. The first step I need to put into action is often making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the proper time or preferably with time to spare. This can be a simple task that’s easy and painless to ensure, and it’ll be accomplished. When hearing the term â€Å"be on-time†, almost every individual can comprehend what that phrase means; since it’s been a phrase that’s been used through-out history. This phrase has so many positive/negative consequences that it is unbelievable. A phrase with so much importance, that it must be written and displayed by others to understand it. The societies we live in use this phrase â€Å"be on-time† for many reasons. Every company, school, banks, and etc use it in their policies and their daily lives; from being on time for work, to completing an assignment on time. It helps display a foundation on how an individual preserves themselves, as well as for companies and organizations. It displays their professionalism to others. It provides security in objectives knowing that everything is going according to schedule. As such, this simple phrase â€Å"be on time† comes with many positive consequences if followed correctly. There are many obvious reasons as to why being on time is important. Just by showing up on time it shows that you have the maturity, responsibility and professionalism. It shows that you’re a hard worker and that you’re ready to get the job done. As well, it makes you reliable to take on objectives when they are presented to you. Just â€Å"being on time† will just bring so many positive out-puts, from getting the promotion to a manager, to shaping a better Army. In the Army (in any branch to be more precise) tardiness is unacceptable, so being on time is very important. When someone is late, it makes everyone else run behind on the future objectives they have that day. If an NCO announces that everyone will eat together at a certain time, he expects everyone to be there at that time. However, if someone is late, it will make the rest of the soldiers wait on you, just so they can eat; but even though they can simply hold off and skip chow, food is a vital part to the Army. Soldiers’ need the fuel in order better perform at their duty stations through-out the day. Even with that one soldier being late to eat, it can ruin the whole day for the rest of their battle buddies. One soldier being late can make the schedule completely disrupted. Not to mention that when everything is running behind, everyone will have to end up staying late for that work day. It turns the whole day very hectic and then people tend to get irritated very easily. It would make things run much smoother if everyone was on time. So when someone one is late, not only is it rude but it also messes up other people’s schedules. When someone shows up late, it makes them come off as flaky and people will think that you do not care about your career. On top of that, it’s very disrespectful. When being late or tardy, you are showing that you are not a professional. It can also be assumed that you do not care or respect your job the way you should or need to. When your employer begins to think that you are careless with your job or don’t care about your job they can decide that you are no longer a valuable asset to their company. Once your employer thinks you are no longer an asset to their company they can choose to fire you or they will keep a closer eye on you and wait for another reason to fire you. Being late can cause adverse actions to take place. Adverse actions can range from counseling to an Article 15 or even an early discharge, when in the Army. In the civilian sector it can range from job probation to being fired. In either sector, being late can cause a lot of strain on your job or even cause you to lose your job. This can also affect your life outside of  work by causing trouble at home. In today’s world finding a new job is not an easy task. This means that if you were to get fired from your present job you may not be able to pay bills. On top of that, you let your co-workers/comrades down when you do not show up on time to work. When you fail to show up on time, you’re causing your peers to have to do your work as well as their own. This can cause the mission for the day to be slowed down dramatically. When the mission is slowed down this can cause your leaders to fail at meeting deadlines that may be needed to be met at a specific time in order to meet other deadlines on missions that may be more important than wondering why you are late†¦ Due to the fact, accountability is one of the fundamentals of the military. It not only brings personal responsibility but it also shows the organization of a unit. The US Army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted, warrant officers and commissioned officers alike. The military would not be anything without the soldiers. When soldiers are not there to perform there duties or they are late, that brings down the efficiency of the unit. Accountability is a great trait to have but it only comes with punctuality. Punctuality shows you are responsible, honest and can follow directions. Punctuality is not just an order that the Army requires, but also a great very own trait that is certainly a reflection of the person’s character, it shows which you have very own integrity and self-discipline. Though some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other individuals and their time. If someone is late usually that shows that they more then almost certainly do not care about what their NCO tells them. Time is often a precious gem that should not be wasted at any cost. Should you do not use your time wisely; you are able to in no way get it back. It is a quite specific resource in that you just cannot store it or save it for later. Promptness isn’t only a duty, but can be a part of very good manners; it’s favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and  usefulness. Lack of punctuality is really a theft of somebody else’s time and a complete lack of respect for others. You need to be punctual in everything you do. Punctuality goes hand in hand with military discipline. Recruits are taught to obey, promptly and with out question, orders from their superiors, appropriate from the day one of boot camp. Military discipline and effectiveness is made over a foundation of obedience to orders. That is why we are supposed work so well being a team. With that being said, being late is becoming a more and more common trend among people of all walks of life, especially in the United States Army. This is completely unacceptable and it violates the Army Values, costs the military more money, and reflects very poorly on the soldier and his first line supervisor. There are many methods available to prevent being late as well as proper steps to take once you know you are going to be late and there is nothing else you can do about it. The Army Values, Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. When you are late to anything, whether it is a formation or appointment, it goes against nearly all of these values that are instilled in all soldiers. All soldiers are supposed to display the ability to be an effective leader at all times. This is impossible if you are late. For example, if you are a Specialist promotable and late to a few formations that is noticed by the privates around you. Once you make Sergeant they are going to remember those times you were late and question your ability as a leader. It is your duty to follow the orders of those appointed above you as long as they are lawful and moral. When you are told to be at a certain location at a certain time then you are expected to be there. If you can’t perform the simple task of arriving on time, like a formation or keeping an appointment, then it shows that you have no responsibility. Respect is the key to a functioning Army all the way around. Respect must be shown from there is no way you can meet the requirements for duties that require more subordinate to leader, and vice versa from leader to  subordinate. Not arriving to a formation at the appointed time is pure disrespect toward your leaders, and if no respect is shown toward your leader, then it will never be returned to the subordinate. When you chose to be late it shows that you are more worried about yourself than your unit or your career. So in overall, don’t be late. Yes it is understandable that there are going to be those days where the situation was out of your hands. However, most of the time, it’s not. So if any one is planning on making the Army their career for the next 20 years like I am, then start by showing up on time; in fact early so everyone can know that you are taking your job as a Army Soldier seriously.

Civil War Reconstruction

America between 1865 and 1876 was very broken and disunited due to the obvious Civil War. There was much effort put in my various powers to put together America again and attain the unity preferably desired by the central governing body. Both the Congress and the Citizenry participated to remedy the discretely disunited states. President Johnson, who took office right after Lincoln against the radical republicans to piece together America, is a perfect example of Congressional effort put into the problem. As for the citizenry putting in effort, the Freedmen’s Bureau and sharecropping both showed a different paradigm of the problem on a level in which the average citizens could assist in unifying America again. Through examples we will soon see exactly how the two entities combined forces of the government and the people to fight for a common goal. After the conclusion of the Civil War with the defeat of the Confederate states, an organization by the name of Freedman’s Bureau was composed to give abandoned or confiscated land to freed African Americans to live on. This land was given to them in the form of grants that were approximately 40 acres, give or take, to live on for three years. After these 3 years, they would be able to purchase the land at a very low price. This organization helped put America together again because it shows the co-op method in which the Congress set up an establishment to give freedom to the black and then the people were readily agreeing to it, not rebelling. This also changed the Citizenry’s view of slaves in a certain way. As the Dread Scott case mentioned that slaved were not people they were property, well, now they were able to purchase land. This meant that since property can not own property and only another person can own property, that people must soon see slaves as reasonably people and not property. Although not revolutionary since segregation was very common amongst both North and South states, there was still a new perspective offered to people to accept slaves as people themselves. This would soon help bring the South and North closer as they would begin to begin in soon the same ideology towards people of different colors and cultures. Another factor important in tying together America was sharecropping, which however was not as good. Sharecropping meant that a squad or family could work independently for a fixed share of crop, around ?. The positive side to this was the fact that there was no expenditure in advance of harvest. The tenant had to share the risks of crop failure or a fall in cotton prices. Blacks believed this to be helpful to them, and since it was the Citizenry who decided upon doing this, we can see that the not only the government, but all the way down to the individual person we can see that citizens would put forth effort to cooperate with the new system of social life considering slavery was no longer an option. Although in the 1870s it became a servitude type instance in which croppers lived on credit until the cotton was sold. This was en route back to a modified adaptation of slavery in this time period. However until then, it was a vital key to show the vast effort put into the bringing together of America. The president also played a vital role in the bringing together of America. President Johnson wanted to reprieve the formerly Confederate states. He believed in organizing a new government and electing new representatives for states. This was contrary to the bringing together of America. Thus his opponent, the Radical Republicans came into action. Their plan was to fully represent the southern states’ government and also used military force to do so. They also passed the Civil Rights Acts to give slaves full rights. They wanted to grant suffrage to freedmen. This political party of republicans showed that the president was overpowered and thus could not disagree otherwise as the republicans fully gained the support of the people in their cause. Because of their success in this, they were able to put together America by the use of military force, which almost always does the job as we can see the Civil War settling any social issues about slavery. The fact that people began to not only include slaves as people, but to give them rights as well was a leap for American men, especially in the South. This was all part of the effort for unity. So as we can see from the efforts of the Radical Republicans and the Freedmen’s Bureau, there is much cooperation between the Citizenry and the Congress in the unity of America pose-Civil War.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cultural Meaning Essay

The meaning humans give to actions, concepts and behaviours is dependent on the cultural milieu and is conditioned to a great extent by the underlying meaning systems, values and frames of meaning he/she inherites from the society in general. Socialization plays a direct role in that process. Education, effects of peers and the intellectual atmosphere all contribute to what is called cultural meaning or systems of meaning. Cultural meaning conditions our perception and determines the way we process external perceptions. In this sense, what Gregory Bateson calls â€Å"an ecology of mind† is at work here. The mind acts in an ecology of preceding concepts, comments and semantic networks operating in a particular field and in society as well. Through these networks meaning is produced within a particular person, system, or culture. This meaning then frames and motivates the actions of individuals and groups. â€Å"Events are not just there and happen, but they have a meaning and happen because of that meaning,† wrote Clifford Geertz. Meaning is also historically formed. For example; body image varies across cultures and is shaped by the specific meaning given to it by a culture. There is a time dimension involved in this same process, too. Western societies tend to value slim and fit bodies in terms of representation in popular culture. Whereas, body images of other cultures are very different in most cases. Some Pacific island people prefer fatness both as a sign of wealth and of esthetic superiority. But with the advent of globalization and the expansion of western cultural codes through TV and other media, these same people have come to question their body images. Western culture’s meaning system expanded its sphere of influence in that case. In fact, a mild fatness was accepted as a desirable physical trait in western history, too. Much of what is classified under popular culture is subject to meaning systems and the accompanying perceptions about them. A society’s selective perceptions and evaluations favor a certain behavior, a mode of thought and even such ephemeral things as fashion fads. Famous anthropologist Clifford Geertz suggests that an analysis of culture must also cope with the category of meaning. â€Å"The culture concept to which I adhere . denotes an historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited concepts expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life. † As is understod from this definition, meaning is an inseparable component of culture and it directly shapes our perceptions and understanding. Alternative meaning systems combine to give a culture its core values. As a cultural phenomenon, gift giving may be evaluated from that pespective looking at different cultures and their subjective meaning systems attributed to this practice. As can be deduced from David R. Counts’ article , some cultures see the act of gift giving in a radically different way. Reciprocity brings about a gift giving approach that is essentially different from ours. The people of New Guinea think gift giving must include a symmetry in that you also have to respond to the act of gift giving by giving something in return for the one you received. It is a kind of implied bargain, or shopping through barter more to say. In the lack of formal rules and practices of trade, the natives created their own concept of reciprocal gift giving as a means of doing trade. From a western point of view, the meanings ascribed to gift giving are very different, though. But New Guineans have refined this form of gift giving through centuries and created this particular meaning system. Western culture sees gift giving as away from commercial thoughts. Though reciprocity is emphasized again, the hints of mutual give-and-take are shunned carefully lest monetary concerns come between. Western culture’s refusal of this kind of gift giving and its derisory look at the issue are witnessed through some sayings and idioms. The term â€Å"Indian giver† is one such example. A network of meanings developed through centuries of experience emerges as cultural meaning. It becomes a culture’s core over time and forms the basis also of other attitudes. Western culture makes one think there are indeed too many bananas, whereas in New Guinea there can not be too many bananas at all. Another cultural phenomenon seen through the different lenses of various cultures is leadership. Leadership is also loaded with cultural meanings and values. In general, eastern cultures are said to put much emphasis on social harmony and collective action. Respect to elders, family ties are given importance in these cultures. Leaders in these cultures are expected to be humble, caring and considerate thinking about the well-being of their followers. In this sense, they are seen as somewhat paternalistic figures. They are required to show mercy and understanding towards inferiors, to care for the problems of those they lead. Whereas, in western culture a competitive society is preferred and leaders are thought to be assertive, highly competitive and efficient decision makers. Humane considerations do not seem to play great role in this scheme. Efficiency and beneficial results matter more than paternalistic protection of subordinates. So, one who is accepted in the West as a good leader may be perceived as a ruthless go-getter obsessed with his egotistic views in the East. Cultural meaning acquired through immediate experience and classified into an unwritten code of ethics, appears as the determinant of perceptions about power and leadership. In contrast, a western look may detect an apathetic, lethargic society in the East viewing the style of leadership there as suffocating innovation and development. These two seemingly irreconcilable views about the same concept result from the respective meaning systems of the two cultures. Leaving aside the theoretical concerns over the validity of the broad-based concept culture, it is possible to derive conclusions after comparing differences between meaning systems of societies. Culture as a web of meaning systems is observed best in such comparisons. I would like to quote here a passage from Clifford Geertz who is among those attributing great singificance to culture as a system of meanings. † The concept of culture I espouse . . . is essentially a semiotic one. Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experiential science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning. . . . Meaning, that elusive and ill-defined pseudoentity we were once more than content to leave philosophers and literary critics to fumble with, has now come back into the heart of our discipline. † New Guineans asserted their view on gift giving and that’s what struck westerners most as strange. In the other case of Fiji girls experiencing problems with their body image, western culture’s meaning system can be said to intrude upon the culture-and hence meaning system- of Fiji through the images brought by mass media. Culture is an ambient, all encompassing structure composed of interrelated and interdependent meaning systems. There are both implied and overt systems of meaning in a culture and they can be grasped through socialization. As I tried to show with respect to the phenomena of gift giving and leadership, specific meaning systems forming a culture condition our perceptions and how we evaluate certain phenomena. If I am not mistaken, Italian writer Umberto Eco penned a short story protagonist of which is a â€Å"savage† from a distant land who visits a â€Å"developed and civilized† country to observe the mores, customs and habits of the people living there. Of course the apparent irony points to the reversal of the usual relationship between â€Å"savages and the civilized†; it has always been the civilized who observed and analyzed savages but that time roles were exchanged. The savage travels across the lands of the civilized people and, as can be expected in this case, gets surprised much. For the first time, the usually observed, passive one turns a critical gaze toward the usually active observer. It is such a striking idea that the story caught me surprised. I think the irony here explains once again the essence of culture as a web of meanings. The savage walks through streets of cities, analyzes people and their unintelligibly strange habits, behaviors and customs. He is faced with a maze of meanings totally out of reach of his understanding because he is the product of another set of meanings. He has difficulty with interpreting certain behaviors; some of them look funny and others as grotesquely irrational. I think Eco’s wonderful story has many implications for understanding culture and cultural phenomena. When faced with a different culture, all of us become as helpless and stricken as the savage. Devoid of cultural cues to interpret the events taking place around us, we try in these circumstances to find a usual meaning that enables us to grasp the world anew and have a sense of familiarity. We all live out our pesonal narratives in this search for meaning in a maze of seemingly opaque networks of meaning.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Classification of Data Collection and Analysis Depending on the Assignment

Classification of Data Collection and Analysis Depending on the Research Methodology Employed - Assignment Example This research is significant because it is based on surveys, experimental and other various research methods. Therefore, the dissertation will utilize this research method in order to determine whether the leadership styles employed by both directors of nursing and social serves have a positive impact in the psychological well- being of nursing home residents. Experiments: The research will collect data through the use of experiments that may involve completing various tests for measuring the leadership abilities. The researcher will then compare and contrast various results obtained from different tests. The aim of the tests is to judge leadership styles employed by both directors or measure their so-called aptitude (Fulton, Lyon, and Goudreau, 2010). However, it will focus on the relations between their performance level and other factors. The researcher may be interested in observing  the way both directors reacts or behaves before or after the intervention programs such as training. This will enable the researcher to compare the leadership styles between the director of nursing and director of social services effectively. Sample surveys: The researcher will gather information from a fairly larger sample group of participants by use of questionnaires, interviews, observation and other techniques. The effective means of carrying out a survey is to sample the population at a time (Thomas, 2003). In this case, the researcher will survey the nursing home residents in order to determine the effective services they receive from both directors. Case studies: This usually involves detailed research analysis on a certain case or group of people (Bernard, 2000). Various data collection methodologies such as interviews, questionnaire, and observation, may be applied in this case. For instance, the researcher may interview both leaders about their personal records of leadership performance. He or she will narrow the results in descriptive data, in the environmental settings; thus challenging the existing theories or approaches of the domains.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist Realism - Essay Example This essay discusses that man with a Camera is a movie about its own production; it predicts the postmodern inclinations of what is nowadays meta-cinema. Vertov’s movies introduced a novel world of films to commemorate the brave universe of industrialized Soviet truth. The work concludes in Man With a Movie Camera which induces the sensory shower of the urban existence. It utilized strategies of visual comparison and associative montage so complex that they do not have names to date. There was a Whitman-esque documented-portrayal of the Soviet individuals, a self-impulsive dissertation on cinematic symbolism. It is devised to demolish habitual film watching by unveiling the ways in which the camera and movie editor create authenticity. Vertov’s masterwork had the extraordinary implication of emphasizing the spectator to recognize with the filmmaking procedure. Vertov’s ideology was that the camera was an innovation that assisted humans to investigate novel realms of the visual universe. The design that would best explore cinema’s potentialities would merge documentary as well as cinematographic ploys. These include stop-motion animatronics and intense low and high camera viewpoints. Additionally, there are speedy and often aggressive editing methodologies. A man with a Camera is not just a film; it is also a declaration, a policy, documented in celluloid. There are things and pictures in Vertov’s movies that are intended to be read. Nevertheless, marking those instants and interpreting those images might not be straightforward. Salt of the Earth was a part of surfacing females’ series. On its production, the film was in 16mm with faulty scenes and inaudible tracks. The film has forecasts in the montage series with the editing juxtaposing Ramon’s being crushed with Esperanza’s child delivery. In the last sequence, the camera and screenplay highlight the coalescence of the varying quandaries, forming a unite d class identity. Moreover, firearms in the movie serve a factual purpose and become symbols for a rudimentary machismo, and also for the influence of the ruling category. In the concluding frames, the camera visually generates the image of harmony recapitulated by Ramon’s spoken statement. The film utilizes linear features and also fails to utilize the camera and editing functions innovatively (Salt of the Earth, p.1). In the Ideology of Modernism, Lukacs dashes his critique to the bourgeois notion of modernism which has alienated man and community and offered emphasis to the structure rather than content. He utilizes three conceptions in this essay. They include Russian formalism, existentialism as well as scholars who introduce stream of consciousness method. These three presumptions have separated art from the community; they present a negative elucidation of art and the humankind. This Russian

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Cape by kenji nakajami Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Cape by kenji nakajami - Essay Example These people lived in isolated places outside the main city. The works usually given to burakumins are lowly jobs such as slaughter jobs, tanners, construction workers and butchers. Because of the discrimination, prevalent social and gender issues were noticeable. People engage in vices such as drinking, smoking and sex. Engaging in incest relationships also occur because they live in extended families. Violence was also prevalent. The protagonist tended to escape the harsh reality of life even though the surrounding characters and environment pull him down. He did not know much about his father but he did now want to live the way his father did. As he struggled more towards improvement of his life, the more he became down and much like his father. He slept with his half sister who was a whore. He was engaged in sex, drugs and alcohol. All vices were extensively depicted in the novel. All diseases of the society are undeniably seen in the novel as the characters live in isolation and discrimination is unstoppable. Living in isolation is really a great discrimination since all men are created equal but prejudices in life hinder the equality for all. The burakumins live in their ghetto and do not even have much access to the society unlike ordinary citizens have. They are seen as dirty and lowly jobs are for them. Few of them have reached high school level but the majority were not able to finish elementary education. Why is it that the discrimination has been inherited from their ancestors? Feudal era had been long gone but the discrimination and generalization regarding the image of burakumins still lived on. It is like the isolation of people with a dreaded disease like leprosy in other countries in the ancient times. Maybe, the discriminated people are not as isolated as the lepers but the treatment that the burakumins receive is very poor. In response to the discrimination, burakumins are not able to improve their lives; their environment exhibits much of th e social evils as most people would describe them. They do not live in extravagant homes but in simple houses grouped together separated from the rest of the society. Some may have honest jobs but the pay is not sufficient for their needs. Despite the poverty striking their neighborhood, they still have time for vices and the bad habits are unstoppable. The remaining money is spent on gambling, alcohol, sex and drugs and there is no hope for them to improve their lives. They use the vices as scapegoats for their problems. They tend to â€Å"cure† themselves by indulging into more alcohol, drugs and even crimes later on. It seems that the government neglected the minority of the population. These people are citizens in any case and should be entitled to all of the benefits a citizen enjoys. They should have better livelihood to sustain and support themselves. Great rehabilitation must be done for the members who are addicted to vices and reduce crimes by free access to higher education. They should be able to start again and forget about the dark past. It is not that important if their past was filled with violence and so-called â€Å"social evil† as long as they are willing to change for the better. The novel shows that sex had became part of the lifestyle of the people living in ghettos because they are desperate to earn a living. Even if the job is dirty, they will do it. Since the income is not enough, they quarrel over money and the family relationships are at stake. Brothers, sisters and in-laws

Monday, August 26, 2019

Inmate Health Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inmate Health Care - Assignment Example ncerned about the high cost of medical care and many have implemented several technologies and innovative methods to reduce the cost of health care with the objective to improve the inmates’ health (Schaenman, Davies, Jordan & Chakraborty, 2013). In recent years, several technologies and information systems have been evolved, which have some contribution to the problem of inmate health care. The information system has the power to reduce the cost of medical care and enhance the outcomes of the health care. Health care means the treatment as well as prevention of diseases. Technology has a great potential to reduce the problem of health care. The information related to the healthcare of the patients is stored electronically rather than paper records, which has facilitated in easy retrieval of their health record when needed. Information system and technologies provide the several methods to enhance the quality of the health care. In the present scenario, the complication of the diseases has increased considerably; therefore, the cost of health care has also augmented. However, presently, various types of advanced technologies and information systems have been used for the treatment purpose of the inmates (Fichman, Kohli & Kri shnan, 2011). Inmate healthcare generally means the physical examination upon admission of inmates into the prison. Now the most of the institutions have implemented some methods to improve the quality of inmate healthcare and thereby reduce the cost. Information system and technology is also observed to influence the health care by increasing the quality of the life of the inmates. Technology helps in improving the method of treatment and eliminates treatment processes that are time consuming. Information system provides the essential information related to inmate healthcare and delivers ways to improve the quality of the medical care. Technology and information system, both are related to each other and work effectively with respect to the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Macbeth - Essay Example It is under this contemporary socio-political ambience that one has to re-read William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Macbeth. Its relevance is in our own socio-political scenario. It shows that though there is enough goodness in the society, the evil forces often dominate. The rulers are more concerned about their self achievements and gains than the collective progress of the society. This leads to the dominance of the evil over the goodness around. But Shakespeare predicts the failure of the evil and final victory for the good. It was the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384BC -322 BC) who defined the dramatic form of Tragedy in his great work â€Å"Poetics†. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero should never be perfect. The fall of a completely virtuous person from a height will create only moral anger among the audience. The fall of a villainous person will only satisfy the moral sense among the audience for the appropriate punishment for the villain .Thus Aristotle in sists that the best tragic hero exists in between such extremes. â€Å"A person who is neither perfect in virtue and justice nor one who falls into misfortune through vice and depravity, but rather one who succumbs through some miscalculation† (Poetics, Chapter 13). According to the Aristotelian standards Shakespeare’s Macbeth falls into one of the best tragic heroes possible. ... Macbeth is a Scottish general who is depicted as a courageous soldier. Macbeth appears in the play first as wounded captain who narrates his courageous acts in the battle field. So the initial impression created is that he is a brave and efficient soldier. Such a man is not, by natural logic prone to commit evil deeds. But this perspective about him gets upset once he interacts with the three witches who prophecies that he is to be the future king. With this prophecy, his physical courage gives away as a mask to the hunger for more and more power and advancement in the power structure. This forces him to commit evil deeds. Just the prediction that he will become the king was enough to trigger these inner self full of ambitions. Ambitions also lead him to self doubts too. Thus the character of Macbeth is a battle field of three strong attributes of his character – Physical strength and courage, ambition for more power, and self doubt. All these attributes are so strong that thr ough out the play they battle with each other for supremacy. Finally his ambitions take over leading to a sense of guilt too. What emerges out is a man of very weak character. Thus Macbeth turns out to be not a Shakespearean villain, but a tragic hero, who perishes by his own doings. The villains of Shakespeare like Edmund in King Lear or Iago in Othello or Richard the third in the play by the same name are mere villains and not tragic heroes, because they have the inner strength to subdue any sort of sense of guilt and self doubt. They are sure characters who knew what they are doing. Macbeth on the other hand is not equipped mentally to face the after effects of the crimes he commits. His courage and strength are more

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Systems Development Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Systems Development Case Study - Essay Example As Pepsico need to improve the control of its spending, this is the reason why Pepsico decided to implement Purchase to Pay. This way, Pepsico could more easily track and analyze purchases, negotiate important discounts on volumes and prevent the overcharged orders. Most of all, Pepsico's objective was to obtain a centralized database of vendors and to make the entire process easier. We are explained, that Pepsico used to pay each vendor at every purchase. With Purchase to Pay, Pepsico makes monthly payments for each vendor, making the entire process less bureaucratic and easier to follow as the vendor is provided itemized statement detailing each bill of lading, invoice number, the amount of each check, and the grand total. The systems development life cycle approach which would have been best used for Pepsico's project regards the nature of the waste that Pepsico suffers from its vendors. By approaching the problem directly where it comes from Pepsico is approaching the problem the best way. Identifying the source of the problem allowed Pepsico to dispose of a wide range of solutions to tackle the issue. Apparently, Purchase to Pay seems to be fitting. Pepsico states that they anticipate" a savings of more than $10 million in the system's first year of operation and more than $43 million over the next three years". If we are in the situation of putting up a systems development life cycle, in the case of Pepsico it woul... e are in the situation of putting up a systems development life cycle, in the case of Pepsico it would appear that vendors would result as an issue, mainly because they are initially the major part of the problem. We would have the difficult task to identify why there are some purchases that are overcharged by some vendors and incorporate these data to the system which would result in helping Pepsico negotiate volume discounts. However, this difficult task would become increasingly difficult as we have to face the other side of the problem, which are the staff of Pepsico who couldn't originally - by a lack of knowledge, training or data - identify the issue when dealing with vendors. In consequence, the investigation should reflect the need of Pepsico to have a better communication within the purchase department. The opportunity inside the environment would be the availability of the data to my disposition. Even though the purchase staff may not be aware of it, I believe that there will be an important mass of data at my disposal. Also, one of the others opportunity would be financial as I could never doubt that a company such as Pepsico would not have the sufficient budget for such an operation. On the other side, another issue, apart from the vendors could be time, as we have seen, important volumes are exchanged everyday. Therefore, Pepsico would need a very rapid answer and proposition to start saving money and minimize costs. I could not doubt finally, that the preliminary phase would not result in a "go" as I don't think any technical problem or incapacity would arise in the scope of the nature of the issue. Naturally, the enormous opportunity would be to initiate a systems development for Pepsico. Not only because I would be initiating such a program

Friday, August 23, 2019

Whole Milk and Meat is no Good for Children Research Paper

Whole Milk and Meat is no Good for Children - Research Paper Example The paper throws light on the growing concern of antibiotic resistance as a result of excessive utilization of antibiotics in cattle. The harmful effects of Recombinant bovine Growth Hormone coupled with information on what should be done be tackle the prevalent situation has also been incorporated within the body of the paper. Lastly, the text provides a discussion on the use of artificial hormones and their contribution in the development of various health concerns. Key words: Recombinant bovine growth hormones, antibiotics, inorganic milk, cancer, early onset puberty, FDA Whole Milk and Meat not Good for Children Introduction: Milk has always been attributed as a powerhouse of many nutritional ingredients that are essential for bone growth and other body developments. Human beings are mammals and therefore have a unique relationship with milk as it is the first source of nourishment for them after birth. Mainly due to this reason, it is always assumed that milk has only beneficial impact on health. However, this assumption is far from being true. In fact in the present scenario when dairy milk and their products have become a global business many harmful components can be identified not only in the milk but also in the cattle meat. Most of these components are genetically engineered hormones that are injected to obtain increase milk production. Some of these hormones are also responsible for the rapid growth of cows that are raised to be slaughtered for beef. Therefore, these measures are taken to increase productivity that ultimately increases the profit. But it has raised considerable question marks regarding consumer’s health. Recombinant bovine Growth Hormone (rbGH) The commercial sale of milk from rbGH treated cows was approved in 1993 by FDA. Recombinant bovine Growth Hormone (rbGH) is a genetically engineered artificial hormone that was aimed to stimulate milk production in cows. It is legally sold in all 50 states of US under the famous brand name of Posilac, manufactured by Monsanto. It is estimated that about 13000 farmers use this hormone to obtain excess profit from milk industry. But there are major health concerns associated with this particular milk. Although, this hormone does not directly contaminate the milk, it is associated with increase production of Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF-1) in cows. From the studies it is evident that high concentration of this IGF-1 is present in the milk produced by these rbGH treated cows. IGF-1 is a potent carcinogen with anti apoptotic properties. Studies have shown that IGF-1 contributes in the development of many cancers such as breast, prostate, colon and bladder cancer. (Malawa 2002). FDA Approval Despite this possible association of milk, derived from rbGH induced cows, with many cancers the approval from FDA is very shady. Many reasons have been given by the drug authorities to justify their approval. They pounder over the fact that the hormone is directly not present i n the milk. Secondly, according to the FDA Insulin like Growth Factors (IGF-1) is not absorbed orally. This has been concluded on the basis of the research carried by the same pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto and Elanco, who are leading manufacturers of this hormone in the commercial market. The research was conducted on rat models for a very short period of 2-4 weeks. Moreover, they did not access the contribution of IGF-1 in the milk and cancer development. A more in depth research is required in this regard as it is a very serious issue that needs proper investigation. (Malawa 2002). Mastitis in rbGH Treated Cows Most of the animals used for the production of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Should the government bailout failing businesses - Argument aginst Research Paper

Should the government bailout failing businesses - Argument aginst - Research Paper Example But more intense debate of the present finance world is whether the decision of saving (bailing-out) these about-to-be bankrupt companies justified! The companies when fell into the trouble were within the periphery of private hands and now, when in trouble, saving them with the common man’s hard-earned money drew reservations from all concerned quarters. The money that was paid to the government to develop utility for the society is being used to discount the wrong doings of these financial giants over the years. Prior to getting deeper into the pros and cons of the bail-out process and its affects on the falling companies and the society at large, the underlying reasons of the financial crisis might be assessed in brief. The few of the major reasons of the financial crisis are ascertained below: Housing Prices – The housing prices in the United States rose to great heights till 2006 and then suddenly collapsed from then onwards. The collapse was more than 25% and continued for more than three years. As C.I. Jones observed, â€Å"The national index for housing prices in the United States declined by 26.6% between the middle of 2006 and the end of 2008† (Jones, 2009). Increase in Global Saving – Even a decade earlier, it was found that the developing economies of the world saved less and invested more. This rendered them to borrow funds from the world market. But as there occurred number of recessions over the period of last fifteen years, the developing economies commenced to save more. This hampered the western economies (especially United States) as it could not channelise their excess funds and earn interests. Ultimately, the excess funds contributed towards the asset market. Subprime Lending – The hype of owning houses that existed in the United States before 2006 made almost all nationals purchase a house which often

Qualitative Research or Quantitative Research Essay Example for Free

Qualitative Research or Quantitative Research Essay Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have their specific qualities which make them useful to a researcher, however in the course of this short essay I will explain why, for several reasons, qualitative research is better. As both methods operate within different assumptions, it is important to stem criticism for each methods respective theoretical base in order to adequately judge them. In the course of this essay I will highlight each methods theoretical assumptions and then I will assess each method by pointing out their positive and negative factors. The underlying assumption behind qualitative research is that the entire subject needs to be examined in order to understand the phenomenon. Quantitative research however, places importance in collecting and analyzing data from parts of a trend and in so doing, can miss important aspects which could lead to a complete understanding of the whole phenomenon. Theres no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0(Fred Kerlinger: 1999)Unlike quantitative research, there is no overarching framework for how qualitative research should be conducted; rather each type of qualitative research is guided by the particular philosophical stances that are taken in relation by the research to each phenomenon (Miles Huberman: 1994, p. 40) This enables qualitative research to be more involved with the subject at hand whereas quantitative research has the same rules which it applies to every subject matter, thus making it easier to overlook important evidence. As the researcher using qualitative methods becomes entirely immersed in the data collection phase of the project, he himself actually becoming the data collection tool as opposed to the questionnaires and equipment used by quantitative researchers, it allows him to gain a better understanding of the subject matter as a whole and observe the subject in its own environment:Human behaviour is significantly influenced by the setting in which it occurs; thus one must study that behaviour in situations. The physical setting  ¬e.g., schedules, space, pay, and rewards  ¬and the internalized notions of norms, traditions, roles, and values are crucial contextual variables. Research must be conducted in the setting where all  the contextual variables are operating. (Marshall Rossman: 1980)Quantitative research disregards these valuable contextual variables as most of the work is done in a laboratory with the researcher using the principles of impartiality and an objective portrayal of t he subject. In conclusion, qualitative research is better than quantitative research because it places emphasis upon the subject itself by studying it in an in-depth manner and becoming involved with it on a personal level. Quantitative research keeps a level of impartiality with the subject matter thus making it neglect important contextual factors crucial to the research itself. 1.Using British Election Study data for example, why is it problematic to do quantitative research on ethnic minorities?It is problematic to do quantitative research on ethnic minorities because the standard deviation is so small, thus the observations are spread out over a very small sample which would not accurately represent the entire ethnic group. There is such a small valid percent that subjects would need to be targeted as they are unlikely to be caught during random sampling. 2.Providing either hypothetical and/or published examples, how accurate is it to label content analysis as a quantitative method?It is quite accurate to label content analysis as a quantitative method for several reasons. The comparisons of their theoretical patterns are numerous and therefore it has more in common with quantitative than qualitative methods. In the course of this short essay I will explain why it is accurate to label content analysis as a quantitative method by using an example of research employing content analysis and pointing out the similarities between the two. Content analysis has been described as:Any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages (Holsti: 1969 p. 14)Compare this with a definition of quantitative research:The aim is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed. It is objective seeks precise measurement analysis of target concepts. (Miles   Huberman: 1994, p. 40)Both of these definitions contain the term objective, which shows that both of the methods share the core aspect of non-interference with subjects:Content analysis is often referred to as an unobtrusive method'(Bryman: 2008, p. 289)This key concept lies at the heart of both content analysis and quantitative research methods, it is an obvious similarity. In Shephards study of the dynamics between the party, candidates and constituencies he used content analysis on party leaflets to spot recurring trends. His method (content analysis) bears a striking resemblance to quantitative research, for example both methods begin with hypotheses and theories, Shephard choosing to ask whether emphasis in leaflets matches the profile of the constituents. He then made two hypotheses stating that -the higher the unemployment rate the higher the emphasis on jobs and job creation and the higher the home ownership, the higher the emphasis on interest rates and mortgages. Quantitative research methods also start off with hypotheses and theories; therefore it is clear to see that content analysis could be labelled quantitative due to this fact. Furthermore, both methods of research have a high level of transparency because they are both highly structured and systematic in their approach. Shephard stated that to conduct his analysis objectively and systematically (two quantitative features) that he had to identify his sample, sample period, text/images and what words and images to count. This shows that both content analysis and quantitative research share epistemologically grounded beliefs about what constitutes acceptable knowledge (Bryman: 2008, p. 155)In conclusion, it is accurate to label content analysis as a quantitative method due to the fact that it shares many features in common with quantitative research. These include, maintaining objectivity during the study, transparency and a systematic approach to research. These features indicate that content analysis is grounded in the same theoretical processes and philosophy as quantitative research. 3.Providing examples of focus group research from the literature, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focus groups. Focus groups are a highly useful method of data collection but they have many advantages and disadvantages. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focus groups in this essay and also consider real-life examples of focus group research to illustrate this. Focus groups can provide an insight into the way in which people organize and interpret knowledge as well as how people construe information. This is especially useful in the study of audience reception- how audiences receive different kinds of television and radio programmes, etc. Such a study was conducted by Morley in 1980 into how Nationwide, a popular television programme at the time, was received by specific groups of people. He noticed that different groups had different interpretations of the programmes which they had watched, which indicated that the meaning of the programme was based in the way it was watched and interpreted not in the programme itself. (Bryman: 2008, 475) This provides more information that a simple interview because the interviewee has the choice to respond to fellow participants and argue with them, leading the researcher to gain a greater insight into why they hold such beliefs and how strongly they feel about them. Another advantage of focus groups is that they can provide a more open environment to respond to questions by the way in which they are selected prior to the event. For example, Kitzinger notes in her research on HIV that any attempts at discussions about risks for gay men were blocked out by strong homophobic clamouring amongst homophobic men. (Kitzinger: 1994b in Bloor, et al: 2001, p. 20) Therefore focus groups consisting of specific groups such as male prostitutes, retirement club members, etc, provided a more relaxed environment in which views could be openly discussed without fear of being criticised for ones beliefs. In addition to this, organising groups consisting of only HIV positive people meant that disclosure of a potentially stigmatising status could be overcome. (Bloor: 2001 p. 23)However focus groups also have their disadvantages, the most prominent one being the role of the researcher within the discussion- the way in which the focus group is designed, the participan ts selected to take part, where the meeting takes place, how the questions are worded and delivered and who the instigator is may affect the responses which are obtained. This raises  the question over the validity of the results as the researcher has less control over a focus group than he would over a one on one interview with respondents possibly talking amongst themselves on irrelevant issues, or the simple fact that they may get bored or have personality issues with other members of the group. (Walvis: 2003 p. 405)Another disadvantage of focus groups is the tendency of researchers to (either consciously or subconsciously) pick groups so that they align with pre-determined beliefs about a subject. One famous example of this was when Coca-Cola launched New Coke in 1985 despite the fact that the focus groups had made it explicit that they would not like to see the traditional coke removed from the shelves. (Pendergast: 1993 and Greising: 1998) The taste-tests however had proved positive, but they had not been asked the vital question about how they would feel if traditional coke was removed from the shelves, this positive response was more in line with how the CEO of Coca-Cola felt about the product and it was launched based on the back of poorly conducted focus groups. The subsequent product was a massive failure and lost Coca-Cola a large share of the market; it was obvious that Coca-Cola had spent too much time and money on the plan to dismiss it on the results from focus group research at the last minute. One final disadvantage of focus groups is their limited spread of views; Morgan (1998) suggests that the average size of a group should be around six to ten people. This clearly cannot be representative of the population as a whole- Stephen Fisher and Robert Andersen (2005) state that in order to have a representative sample for one million people you would need, with a margin of error of 5%, 384 participants. Bibliography †¢Bloor, M. et al. (2001) Focus Groups in Social Research (London: Sage). †¢Bryman, A. (2008) Social Research Methods (2nd Ed.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press). †¢Greising, D. (1998) Id Like the World to Buy a Coke: The Life and Leadership of Robert Goizueta (New York: Wiley)†¢Holsti, O.R (1969) Content Analysis for the Social Sciences and Humanities (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley)†¢Kerlinger, F. Foundations of Behavioural Research (Nova York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1965)†¢Marshall, C., Rossman, G. (1980). Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. †¢Miles Huberman (1994, p. 40). Qualitative Data Analysis†¢Pendergast, M. (1993) For God, Country and Coca-Cola: The Unauthorised history of the Worlds Most Popular Soft Drink (London: Weidenfeld Nicholson)†¢Shephard, M. (2007) Multiple Audiences, Multiple Messages? An Exploration of the Dynamics between the Party, the Candidates and the Various Constituencies, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties†¢Walvis, T.H (2003), Avoiding advertising research disaster: Advertising and the uncertainty principle, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 10, No. 6

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying

Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying Dining out in Pakistan is an exciting and rich experience. In Pakistan food has many different styles with many great restaurants in all the major cities of Pakistan. Fast food trend is quite new in Pakistan. It was introduced in Pakistan about two or three decades ago and it is growing very fast which indicates that this type of food industry have a very bright future in Pakistan. Fast food is pre-prepared food or which can be quickly cooked when you order for it. Two major fast food restaurants having strong presence in Pakistan are Mc Donalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Fast food restaurants attract customers through different techniques in which promotional tools are widely used. Our research is based on the hypothesis that several promotional techniques like coupons, new product, value deals, price discounts and promotional deals are having influence on fast food consumers buying behavior or not. A research has been carried out which is based on the consumers response to s urvey which involved questions regarding several promotional techniques used in fast food. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The concept of sales promotion could easily be understood by considering this simple example â€Å"Suppose you visit the market to buy any product and there it is suggested to you that if you buy two of that product then you will get an extra piece according to their scheme. You will be delighted to know that you are saving money of that extra piece of product given to you. That extra piece can be a product used on a regular basis which you can keep for later use. These are exactly the sales promotion techniques for increasing sales of a certain product which every business person wants for the sales of goods that he deals in and he can use many different ways for this purpose. Some of those methods you might have heard about such as â€Å"Win a tour to Dubai†, â€Å"20% extra on a large pack†, â€Å"Scratch and win†, â€Å"Free gifts like lunch box, pencil box and shampoo sachet, â€Å"Buy one get one free† etc. In every industry, promotions are key sources of increasing sales of products. Fast food industry is one of the industries which very much rely on its foods promotion to increase the sales. For this purpose, it practices several techniques including price discounts, coupons, new product and offer different deals to attract its customers. Every organization wants a greater share of the total customer market and for this purpose it becomes very important for organizations to know their consumers reactions and responses towards their promotional campaigns in order to implement them successfully. Now we will look at fast food industry and its presence in Pakistan. FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS Fast food restaurants are those restaurants where no table service is provided. Its a self service restaurant and food is ordered only at a counter. The term fast food is the term used for food which is prepared and served very quickly with precooked ingredients. Fast food restaurants represent one of the largest segments of the food industry. Some of the largest players in this category include international giants like McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS IN PAKISTAN Fast food chains are becoming increasingly commonplace in nations around the world. Many American based companies have expanded into and are thriving in the global market. The concept of fast food restaurants was introduced in Pakistan in the early 1980s. There are several fast food chains operating in Pakistan but two of them are very dominant. A brief introduction of these fast food chains is given below. MCDONALDS Mc Donalds was opened in 1940 by brothers by Dick and Mac Mc Donald in San Bernardino, California. McDonalds opened its doors in Pakistan in September 1998 at Lahore and presently operating in almost every major city with a network of several restaurants in each city. McDonalds Pakistan has an aggressive plan to expand in all over Pakistan and is rapidly growing with the passage of time. It has a strong presence in Pakistan with locations in Lahore, Karachi, Hyderabad and Islamabad. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (KFC) The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952. KFC has a strong presence in Pakistan. In Pakistan its locations include Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad and Karachi. KFC opened its first outlet in Gulshan-e-Iqbal in 1997 and today KFC has several branches in main metropolitans throughout Pakistan which include Karachi, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sukkur and Murree with more than 60 outlets nationwide. FAST FOOD DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN Our nation has been denoting a fast food nation as we look around. We see them on road corners, shopping areas, petrol pumps and even in hospitals whether is an international franchise of fast food or a lo al burger wala, people spend extra money on burger and French fries as compared to other food; in a very short time period our civilization has become faster paced and attracted to this style of dining out. Dining out is an important part of our emerging lifestyle as compared to the past as it was considered as an unusual luxury. Children are also an important market targeted by fast food because they offer special value meals for them. The young generation who considers it faster is the potential high fat fast food consumers. The fast food environment is not considered only for eating but for enjoyment also today, keeping in mind the several activities practiced in fast food especially for children such as birthday, get together parties and other unforgettable occasions. Several p romotional activities are practiced in order to attract the new customers and to retain the existing one. Now lets look at some sales promotion approaches used by fast food restaurants. COUPONS A coupon is a printed document that can be exchanged for reduction when buying a product. Basically coupons are issued by manufacturer of a product which is used as sales promotion method. Coupons usually fall into three categories. (1) Absolutely free, (2) Discounted, (3) Buy one get something. These are often seen in newspapers and magazines and packs. PRICE DISCOUNTS Price discounts are incentives offered to consumers in order to catch their attention. Actually price discounts is the initiative which give consumers feeling of receiving some additional value by not paying a certain percentage of amounts of that product such as 10%, 20% or 50%. This is one of the most commonly used ways to convince customers to increase their purchases. PROMOTIONAL DEALS In the fast food industry, different deals are offered to its customers better suited to their needs and requirements as it is a quick service food. Such kinds of deals are known as midnight deals and lunch deals etc to provide value to customers. VALUE DEALS Value deals are those deals offered by fast food restaurants to their customers as value for their money. Fast food restaurants come up with these attractive ideas by offering some extra amount of food with a minor difference of amount. For example, upsizing the meals by paying extra smaller amount or getting 20% for the same price. NEW PRODUCTS Fast food chains such as Mc Donalds and KFC introduce new products to its consumers in different seasons to attract new customers and keep hold of the existing customers by offering/ adding something new in their menu. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of sales promotion is to market activities in order to add the basic value of a product or services which encourages people to purchase. As the fast food industry is growing in Pakistan and obviously the reasons are speed, convenience and price. People are now more attracted towards fast food with the introduction of different promotional offers which suits customers in different occasions and timings. The rapid rate at which the fast food industry continues to include promotions to its menu to attract its customers is as much a reflection of consumer attraction towards those promotions itself. Therefore, with an emphasis on sales promotional activities, its impact on sales and consumers responses towards them is going to be analyzed. The main purpose of this research is to study the different independent variables which could encourage fast food consumers to dine in the fast food franchises. To investigate the consumers behavior/ response towards sales promotion in fast food industry, Consumers can have a positive or no response to sales promotion. PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of promotional activities practiced in the fast food restaurants. For this purpose some important and most practiced promotional approaches which are used in fast food franchises are taken which are given below: Price discount Coupons Promotional deals Value deals New products RESEARCH SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this research is to investigate the influence of several promotional activities practiced in fast food restaurants. These are some limitations imposed on this study: Respondents are randomly selected and mostly were youngsters and college/university students because they are more attracted towards fast food and definite users. Access to fast food franchises was limited in order to meet respondents inside because they did not allow. The questionnaire was filled by researcher from respondents outside the franchises. Lack of response from some respondents. THESIS STRUCTURE This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the problem about which the research was carried out and in general about the fast food industry and its scope in Pakistan. Chapter 2 is about the literature review. In Chapter 3, researcher describes the methodology adopted including sources of information and data collection methods are discussed. In chapter 4, the experiential data collected through questionnaire is analyzed and results are concluded on the basis of a survey. Conclusions are drawn and necessary recommendations are suggested. CHAPTER II- LITERATURE REVIEW In todays competitive environment it is very important for marketing managers to utilize the complete variety of marketing mix tools to achieve maximum result and one of these marketing tools is sales promotion which has been very important in the food retail division(Sue Peattie; 1998). Nowadays several promotional tools such as coupons, bonus packs, free samples and sweepstakes are very commonly practiced activities offered by manufacturers to its consumers but the next step which is the consumer response to these activities has not been understood well in this regard (Chem L. Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). So keeping in mind the importance of consumers reactions and response towards promotional campaigns of organizations in order to implement these promotional activities successfully, the influence of these promotional activities on sales and consumer decision is going to be analyzed. Promotional campaign is an attempt to influence the consumer buying decision; and promotional stra tegist is a functional behavioral analyst who finds the nature of the response towards any promotional activity and seriously weighs up the facts and support provided by the respondents via behavioral research in order to achieve utmost results and efficient findings (Peter L. Wright; 1973). The impact of advertising on the purchasing behavior of the consumer has been acknowledged in the marketing literature while the impact of promotional activities has given lees consideration (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). Advertising has a much closed relation with sales promotional tools. Sales promotion is consist of short term incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product or service while advertising offers reasons to buy a product or service. Sales promotion offers reasons to buy now (Kotler, Principles of Marketing). Recently the use of promotional activities has availed noticeably increased attention due to the effectiveness of easily measurable and manuscript promotional campaign as compared to advertising campaign. This investigation has been intended to assist managers of marketing and sales departments in order to implement various consumer promotions efficiently in a combined marketing program. The usage graph of sales promotions has gone up significantly in few years and one of the major reasons for this is that effectiveness of sales promotions is very much easier to calculate than the effectiveness of advertising campaign (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). There are some internal factors and external factors which contribute in the growth of sales promotional activities. The main internal factor is the acceptance of sales promotion as an effective sales promotion technique by the product managers because they face greater pressure by top management to increase their current sales while external factors include large number of brands and then the increasing competition among them seeing that the competing brands are less differentiated. Third, advertising efficiency has declined because of changing economic conditions, rising costs and media disorder (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). Given the importance of sales promotional techniques the most important decision for marketers is to choose the mixture of suitable sales promotional activities (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). The modern fast food uprising basically was originated in the US in 1950s and since then this style of cuisine has captured the whole world. Fast food is seen as a symbol of globalization and post-modern society and the world is attracting to this style of food (Yasser Ibrahim, Claudio Vignali; 2005). The fast food industry is more global now and international fast food expenditure goes on to enhance in popularity (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997).In the developing countries a very little research has been done on fast food and its consumers thus a very little is known about fast food consumers. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla in 2007 has found that promotional activities increase the market share of the company and also expand the fast food demand generally. This shows that promotional activities influence the buying decision of fast food consumers due to price change. Promotions obviously contain a great impact on buying decision. What is important to keep clear is the process through which consumers act in response to these offers. This understanding is very important for successful scheming of promotions as well as for assuring the minimum harmful causes of other communication elements (Meryl P. Gardner, Roger A. Strang). A very little work has been done in the past concerning consumers perceptions and preferences for fast food industry. Previous researches done on fast food industry have been limited to the features of fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors while a very little attention has been given to study the behavior and attitude of fast food consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Consumer behavior is expected to be found fairly different as compared to the developed countries in view of the fact that these countries are mainlyinfluenced by social, political and economic conditions (Raju, 1995). It can be forecasted that the concept of fast food in developing countries is different than developed countries and their perceptions and attitudes differ as compared to international fast food industry in the industrialized countries (Brady and Robertson; 1999; Watson; 2000; Eckhardt and Houston; 2002). It has been acknowledged that marketing m anagers and strategist should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of consumers perceptions and preferences of dining out in fast food restaurants and how they are diverse across cultures and countries. This understanding will help in targeting countries and their different cultures in order to promote fast food culture and to improve and modify the perception of fast food restaurant there to increase the demand of the consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Fast food restaurants practice several types of promotional activities throughout the year in which coupons are the most used promotional tool. Coupons have grown by more than 500% in the last decade which proves the importance of coupons (Chakravarthi Narasimhan1984) and coupons are the representative among other promotional tools like new product offers, promotional deals and price discounts etc. It is well acknowledged in the marketing literature that coupons have immediate impacts on sales (Jeongwen Chiang 1995). Fast food restaurants offer consumer a mixture of tangible and intangible elements. Here the purpose of the study is to examine the influence of promotional activities on consumer decision in fast food industry. Several big fast food giants are engaged in satisfying consumer needs and Kentucky fried chicken (KFC) is the leading fast food franchise satisfying its consumer needs followed by Mc Donalds, Subway and Mr. Burger. CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION Two types of sources are used in data collection for any research function which are primary and secondary data. In this research study, both types of sources are operated. Secondary data is obtained from the books, articles, research journals, and internet while primary supply of data is dependent on questionnaire survey. According to the requirement the researcher is dependent on both the sources for academic and experimental data. We are very much relying on the questionnaire survey results for empirical data because limited information is available on promotional activities and its influence on consumer buying behavior in Pakistan. RESEARCH AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS Questionnaire has been used for surveys for this research and for testing purpose SPSS has been used as a testing tool. During the analysis of data in SPSS researcher has used technique of one sample T- test. FEEDBACK FORM For the purpose of data collection about different promotional tools and its influence on consumer buying behavior in the fast food restaurants a questionnaire has been used. Information regarding the influence of different promotional activities offered in fast food restaurants on consumer buying behavior is availed by knowing the satisfaction and agreement level with every promotional activity independently offered in fast food. QUESTIONNAIRE TESTING T o detect weaknesses in the instrument a questionnaire testing was conducted. According to Malhotra (2003), pre-testing refers to the testing of the questionnaire on a small sample of respondents to recognize and to get rid of likely trouble. For such purpose the researcher filled out 10 questionnaires from fast food consumers. Burns and Bush (1998) suggested that a pre-test of 5-10 representative questionnaires is usually adequate to spot the problems in a questionnaire. SAMPLING For this thesis, the influence of different promotional activities on consumer buying behavior was carried out through a survey of consumers of selected fast food restaurants. A questionnaire was filled out from 100 respondents in a good environment in order to avoid any hustle and weak response. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of research is 100 respondents. It includes the following: Male/ Female Age group: 20 years or above Employed/ unemployed Fast food consumers Karachi based HYPOTHESIS h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our finding the statistical test which has been applied is the one sample t-test. One sample t-test compares the mean value of a sample (computed from a set of observed values) with the hypothesized mean value so this is the easiest test to understand and determine the likelihood or the difference between sample score and hypothesized values. Following is the output of our research. We compared the mean level of our output to a known test value of 4 because 4 is our agreement level. First see the descriptive statistics. The mean of our samples are the following: Price discounts = 4.0 New products = 3.9933 Coupons = 3.9767 Promotional deals = 3.9033 Value offers = 3.8767 The above mean values are closest to the test value of 4. Price discounts is having the highest mean value 4 which is equal to the test value of 4 and then new products have mean value (3.9933) and followed by coupons (3.9767), promotional deals (3.9033) and then value offers (3.8767). Now, see the results of our one sample t-test: Our T-value for each observation is: Price discounts = 0.000 New products = -.111 Promotional deals = -1.219 Value offers = -1.559 Coupons = -.306 The cut point of T-value is 1.5. If the T-value is greater than 1.5 then the significant value becomes lower and goes to significant level. We have 99 degrees of freedom. Our significance values are: Price discounts = 1.000 New products = 0.912 Promotional deals = 0.226 Value offers = 0.122 Coupons = 0.760 It means that the mean difference is not significant and the test value which is (4) â€Å"Agreement level† is equal to the mean value of price discounts, new products, promotional deals, value offers and coupons and there is no significant difference between the test value and the mean values of the sample. ACCEPTED HYPOTHESIS: Following hypothesis has been accepted: h3, h3, H3, H4, H5 Based on statistical test and results of above table, following hypothesis has been accepted and it was found that these factors influence the consumer buying behavior in fast food restaurants. h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CONCLUSION A very little research has been done so far on fast food consumers and their buying behavior as well as promotional activities practiced by fast food restaurants and its influence on consumer buying decision. To the best of my knowledge, the research work done so far of fast food outlets have been limited to the explanation of the characteristics of the fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors and some work is done on the restaurants brand equity and their competitiveness while a very small number of consideration has been related to the fast food consumers behavior and attitude orientation. Research conducted by Syed Mehdi Raza and Tariq Jalees in 2005 measures the brand equity of fast food chains operating in Karachi. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla believe that fast food promotion is a major cause of the obesity. The purpose of the learning is to understand the influence of promotional activities on the buying behavior of fast food consumers. For findings we apply the One Sample T-test to check the significant impact of all selected variables, it was found that the all variables (Coupons, Price discounts, Promotional deals, value offers and new products) significantly influence the buying behavior of fast food consumers. The results of the study have shown very optimistic response from fast food consumers for the influence of promotional activities in fast food restaurants. Consumers really think and appreciate that promotional activities influence their dining out decision in fast food restaurants, it also affect their frequency of dining out in fast food and they think that promotional activities should be offered by fast food restaurants.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Plan for Employees in Small Business

Plan for Employees in Small Business Dairy store Introduction Our business is small business type in the New Zealand most of the business is small type and our business name is Kumars dairy. In the dairy store we can buy the so many different products in the one roof. As small operators, they cannot offer bulk discounts as compare to supermarket. To run this business they hire the staff. As I owner in this company I have to hire manager, customer service, check out service, accounting and other staff. Location- I open my Kumars diary shop near the summit drive, Mt Albert because in this place there is no any dairy store in this location and we can attract so many people. Service and product- In our Kumars dairy we can provide different product like milk, eggs, dairy products, perishables, newspapers, lotto and so on. We can also give the customer service as well as top up mobile and At hop card. Reason for this business- I open this business because in this store we can buy the anything in the one roof. To help this business we can make new friends and also make more money. I agree in this era so many people prefer super market I know but when they forget to buy something from supermarket then they prefer dairy store rather then again visit to the super market. In this small business we can easily make more money. Capability- As I manage this dairy store I have ability to choose the staff which person we need this company and which place. I also manager the all staff. I also trained the staff under my supervision. I also know about the new technology and how to use this technology. Setup the business- To open this business firstly I need to calculate the budget to open the dairy store, if I have dont sufficient fund to open my store then I go to the bank and apply the business loan to build our new business as well as I also find the place for lease and suppliers. Opening-closing (timing) Days Mon Tues Wed Thus Fri Sat Sun Opening and closing 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM 7:00 AM- 9:00PM 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM 7:00 AM- 9:00 PM 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM Working hour of employees Fulltime and part-time worker Part time- 20 hour Full time 40 hour Casual worker-12 hour Roster (timing) Staff Mon Tues Wed Thus Fri Sat Sun owner 9 toÂÂ   9 9 to 9 9 to 9 9 to 9 9 to 9 9 to 9 Manager 7 to 7 7 to 7 8 to 9 7 to 9 7 to 9 10 to 5 Labour (full time) 7 to 9 7 to 9 7 to 9 7 to 9 7 to 9 7 to 9 Labour (Part time) 7 to 9 10 to 5 Responsibility and Accountability Staff Responsibility Accountability Owner(kartikey) Give the pay in time Dont dominate other staff members Manager(Hootz) Manager responsibilities are mange the roaster and supervise the entire staff member. Manager Accountabilities do not dominate other workers and always provide the good customer service. Fulltime(Amrit) Mange the checkout service and other work Give the customer service Part-time(lovish) Fill the all stuff Be in time Holidays and leave wages Holidays are: New Years Day January, Sunday 1st (observed Tuesday 3rd) Day after New Years Day January, Monday 2nd Wellington Anniversary January, Monday 23rd Auckland Anniversary January, Monday 30th Nelson Anniversary January, Monday 30th Waitangi Day February, Monday 6th Taranaki Anniversary March, Monday 13th Otago Anniversary March, Monday 20th Daylight Saving ends April, Sunday 2nd Good Friday April, Friday 14th Easter Monday April, Monday 17th Easter Tuesday April, Tuesday 18th Southland Anniversary April, Tuesday 18th ANZAC Day April, Tuesday 25th Queens Birthday June, Monday 5th Daylight Saving starts September, Sunday 24th South Canterbury Anniversary September, Monday 25th Hawkes Bay Anniversary October, Friday 20th Labour Day October, Monday 23rd Marlborough Anniversary October, Monday 30th Canterbury Anniversary November, Friday 17th Chatham Islands Anniversary November, Monday 27th Westland Anniversary December, Monday 4th Christmas Day December, Monday 25th Boxing Day December, Tuesday 26th (holiday) Hours and wages Type of minimum wage Per hour 8 hour day 40 hour week 80 hour fortnight Adult $15.25 $122.00 $610.00 $1,220.00 Starting-out $12.20 $97.60 $488.00 $976.00 Training $12.20 $97.60 $488.00 $976.00 (wages ) Leaves and Equal Wages Rise to pay for equivalent work is the idea of work rights that people in a similar work environment be given equivalent pay. It is most regularly utilized as a part of the setting of sexual separation, in connection to the sex pay crevice. Level with pay identifies with the full scope of installments and advantages, including essential pay, non-pay installments, rewards and remittances. A few nations have moved quicker than others in tending to the issue. Since President John F. Kennedy marked the Equal Pay Act of 1963, it has been unlawful in the United States to pay men and ladies working in a similar place diverse pay rates for comparable work. Â   Â   Health and safetyÂÂ   Equal Employment Opportunities Gender equality In this statement company cannot discrimination toward the staff members because in this type of business all staff members are same. In the New Zealand business nobody discriminated in the level of wages because they have right gender equality. Collective agreement Collective employment agreements are agreements between employers and registered unions that cover employees in the employers workplace. Collective employment agreements must: Be in composing Be marked by businesses and unions that are gatherings to the understanding Have a scope condition expressing the work that the understanding spreads Incorporate a plain dialect clarification of how to deal with any business relationship issues, including the 90-day time frame For bringing an individual grievance Incorporate a statement expressing how the understanding can be changed Incorporate an expiry date or express an occasion that will mean the assertion lapses Incorporate an arrangement that follows the Holidays Act 2003 necessity for workers to be paid in any event time and a half For work on open occasions Much of the time, incorporate an arrangement expressing how workers will be secured if the business is sold, exchanged or contracted out. (collective) Individual agreement Every representative must have a composed work assention. The assention can be either an individual understanding or an aggregate assention. An singular business understanding doesnt need to be marked by the business and worker yet it ought to be. There are a few things that must be in your work assention and different things that are ordinarily in business understandings however dont need to be, for example, your notice period. Minimum rights, (for example, the lowest pay permitted by law and yearly occasions) are legitimate prerequisites and apply regardless of the possibility that theyre not in the business understanding. Your business assention cant decrease these or exchange them off for different things. Employers are required to keep a duplicate of the work assention. The business must keep a proposed assention regardless of the possibility that the representative hasnt marked it. Workers are qualified for a duplicate of their concurrence on demand. The sort of business understanding a worker is on may rely on upon regardless of whether they are a union part. It is the representatives decision whether they join a union, and a business cant undo impact their decision. On the off chance that a worker joins a union, they will be secured by the important aggregate assention, if there is on. ( Employment disputes Indeed, even the best-run business must be set up to manage work question. A representative may have a conflict with a manager, question an execution assessment or trust that organization arrangements are as a rule unjustifiably upheld. While a few nations have work courts to determine such debate, in the United States, bosses must discover approaches to determine these issues outside the courts. Effectively arranging a work debate brings about all sides feeling they have been tuned in to and judged reasonably. Negotiation Transaction is by all accounts the favoured basic leadership system when representatives are looking for independently custom fitted arrangements, for example, changes in accordance with travel and work routines. Mediation With the help of Mediation, both sides in a question take a seat with an outsider facilitator to examine the circumstance and attempt to achieve an answer. The facilitator, or middle person, has no interest in the result of the issue, and stays unbiased is called Mediation. Adjudication Adjudication is a legal term that refers to the process of hearing and settling a case. It usually represents the final judgment or pronouncement in a case that determines the required course of action in reference to the issue presented. Adjudication can also refer to the process of validating an insurance claim as well as a decree in the bankruptcy process between the defendant and the creditors. ( us: Investopedia on Facebook ALLOCATION AND EVALUATION OF WORK Evaluation are generally done on more than one occasion a year, however you might need to plan a registration with new workers prior, to ensure theyre settling in well. Setting up an evaluation You should to: give your representative time to get ready by booking the meeting no less than two or three weeks ahead of time book a private meeting place where you wont be hindered request that your representative get ready reactions to inquiries like: how well they believe theyre doing in their employment which parts of their employment theyre doing admirably and where they think they could progress regardless of whether they require any gear or preparing to help in their part how they feel about their occupation and the organization what they would change on the off chance that they could? do your own readiness survey: your representatives set of working responsibilities your notes from past audits execution pointers (deals or generation figures, letters from fulfilled clients, or different measurements). get criticism from different workers, partners or key clients set up your representative for extreme inquiries in the event that theyre not performing, caution them that youll have to talk about why certain objectives or targets werent met and welcome them to go to the meeting with conceivable arrangements. ( Responsibilities of Manager The manager responsibilities in the business are very important because without manager business cannot be run. Manager is the root of organization. He set the all roaster and manage the all staff member as well as he give the order to all the staff what you do or not today work. ÂÂ   ( Responsibilities of Employees Employees responsibilities are be on time, good customer service last but not a least he should be prepare know about the first aid box. Always good behaviour with customers and staff fellows. ( Job description of dairy (careercoverletter)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Roland Joffà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s The Mission excellently demonstrates the powerful, far reaching, and frankly, life changing effects cultural interaction between differing cultures can have. Set in the mid 18th century in the Amazon rainforest, the film primarily focuses on Father Gabriel, a Jesuit missionary played by Jeremy Irons, as he establishes a Christian mission for the purpose of converting the native Guarani people, and later as he organizes a resistance effort opposing the closing of the mission. In critical instances throughout the movie, the positive effect of cultural interaction is evidently clear, as the Guarani way of life is greatly improved through the knowledge and technology Father Gabriel, Mendoza and the rest of the mission introduce to the Guarani, while in other scenes the obvious downsides of cultural interaction are violently and brutally exposed as Portuguese settlers destroy the mission and enslave the Guarani. Father Gabriel’s first meeting with the Guarani concludes with his music conquering the Guarani with its purity and perfection. At first, the Guarani are hesitant as they encircle him, but Father Gabriel does not run for safety or plea for his life, rather he simply continues to play his oboe as the stunned natives listen. No words are spoken, and no violence occurs, instead the native Guarani are intrigued by Father Gabriel, allowing him to live and he gradually wins their trust. Over time, Father Gabriel’s mission serves as a place of safe haven and learning for the Guarani. Father Gabriel and his priests, among them Mendoza and others, teach the Guarani how to carve and play flutes, violins, and other instruments, as well how to sing with vigour and passion. In various scenes, the mission choir can be heard ... ...Portuguese governments, the Guarani and Jesuit’s relationship is strained. During the land exchange, the Spanish minister concludes that the mission is to be closed down – by force if necessary. All the Jesuit missionaries and many Guarani warriors are wounded and/or killed in the impending battle. The sequence in which the Portuguese settlers torch the mission – in the name of bloodlust – expresses cultural interaction – between cultures who do not see eye to eye – has its negatives, as well as positives. Though the true heroes of the film are killed, Father Gabriel’s convictions live on in the Guarani whose lives he touched. The final lines of the movie, delivered by the emissary the Vatican reflect this point well: â€Å"But in truth it is I who am dead, and they who live. For as always, your holiness, the spirit of the dead will survive in the memory of the living.†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay -- Health, Diseases, Overweight

The World Health Organization (2006, WHO) defines obesity as a body mass index (weight-for-height) equal to or more than 30. In the UK the prevalence of obesity in childhood has significantly increased over the past twenty five years. A study commissioned by The Health Survey for England (HSE) showed that between 1996 and 2001 the proportion of obese children aged six to fifteen rose by 3.5 per cent from 20 per cent to 23.5 per cent of the population in that age bracket; there is no reason to suspect that the children of England are not representative of the United Kingdom as a whole. Concern has grown that because of this increase obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disorders, will, in due course, occur in more adults than at present and that they will be diagnosed at a much earlier age. There has been strong government action to address the problem of childhood obesity, most notably as one of the five outcomes sought within Every Child Matters (DfES,2003,ECM). This was established in 2004 by the Department of Children, Schools and Families, with the intention of working together with other with other children’s services in order to approach and promote the well being of children. Further evidence is becoming available of more detailed analyses of the incidence of obesity by age, sex and geographical region. Using graph (i) below, produced for the National Child Measurement Programme from the NHS Information Centre (2009), we can see that the percentages of children falling into the â€Å"underweight†, â€Å"overweight† and â€Å"obese† categories remain generally stable over the three years reviewed, except that there was an increase of just over 1% in the â€Å"obese† category between 2006/07 and 2008/09. It is, however, disturb... ...iet and therefore stronger government action and funding would be needed in order to reverse the current trend. Moreover, parents need to be more aware as there is evidence from the Forecasting Obesity 2010 (2006) documents that suggest that for both boys and girls, a significant number of children who live with parents who are classified as overweight or obese tended to be obese themselves. Little evidence is yet to suggest a high success rate, although Jamie Oliver has had a relevant impact on healthy food within the school environment. This could eventually, therefore, show a stabilisation of percentage of obese children. Nevertheless, this is based on limited data over a three year period and for this to be established, or even improved, there needs to be several more years of relevant data to prove that this is, in fact, a trend rather than a periodical error.